jueves, 29 de junio de 2017

My First Drive

After reading the text we completed a total of six activities. The first one was about finding comas situated in the text and explain the different times when it is used. The next activity was about situating hyphens in the text and explain it function. Then, we have to search dialogues and explain. After that, we have to list the the content and the style features of narrative writing. In the fifth activity we were asked to identify how the sense of drama has been created. Finally, we were asked to offer adjectives to describe the character “The Ancient sister”. In addition, after those activities the new task were questions about the use of hyphens and punctuation on dialogue.

The text “My First Drive” is about the narrator of the story that will have his first drive with his family and the one driving was his ancient sister. The story transcurs on the car, in one moment the ancient sister was increasing the speed and the had an accident so they went crashing into the hudge. Miraculously, the most part of the family wasn't very hurt, the only one that was seriously hurt was the narrator, his nose had been cut almost clean off his face.

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