lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Earthquake in Nepal

Earthquake in Nepal

This article talks about a devastating earthquake that ocurred in Nepal an the northearn India and many peole died.
In India´s Sikkim state died five people and more than 50 were injured. Few people died and many more were hurt according to Nepal´s goverment. In Sikkim buildings collspsed and pavements cracked. Rescuers were searching for people on fallen buildings in the city.
There wasn´t pone service and electricity in the city.
Manmohan Sight, the Indian Prime Minister, offered to send tropos and air forcé to help.
In Nepal and Banglodesh, the earthquak destroyed houses, officers and shopping centers,
The eartquake also was felt in the Indian Capital, where habitants of New Delh were running away from shaking buildings.

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