lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Formal Letter

To whom it may concern,
I am writing to recommend Albert Johnson, 40 years old, as services assistance in your English college. The person writing is Albert’s friend, who knew Albert by high school.

Albert Johnson is a personable, a very well educated and well-spoken man. Moreover, he is a very serious and formal in formal situations. In addition, in his previous jobs I saw him very focused, concentrated and organized all the time. For these reasons I think that he is a very good candidate for this kind of jobs.

Albert is also a skilled person for this kind of jobs. He shows great facility with computers. He went to Word and Excel school for two years and gave important exams like UTN and others. In addition, he has the necessary organizational skills; this allows him to focus on different things without getting disappointed or lost, increasing his productivity and efficiently in the workplace.

Albert´s previous relevant experience was working on a Spanish college in Argentina named Newlands School for nine years as a receptionist. Moreover, he, in contrast with the other receptionists, was in charge of the whole high school.

Finally, I mainly recommend my friend Albert for this job because of his organizational skills and his professional personality.
To conclude, I am confident that you will be highly comfortable with his presence in your college. I am sure he has the necessary personality, skills and experience to the job.

Yours faithfully,
Lisandro Etchevers.