martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

Essay: "Tiger in the menagerie"

“Tiger in the menagerie” by Emma Jones is a poem that describes in a mysterious way the situation of a tiger into a menagerie. The author conveys a sense of mystery, since she introduce a lot literary devices, in thes case can be the metaphors and the visual images she generated by her narration.

In the first part, the first stanza, it describes the mysterious way in which the tiger get into the menagerie. It is described by “too flash, too blue,”, here the author give us a visual image of the situation.

In the second part, the second and third stanzas, Emma Jones compare the bars of the cage with the tiger´s stripes. Here is represented the long time that the tiger has been in the menagerie, this is though because of the phrase “At the night the bars of the cage and the stripes of the tiger looked into each other so long”.

In the third part, the fourth and fifth stanzas, the poem tell us the connection of the stripes of the tiger and the bars of the cage in the dream. At the end, the phrase “that when the sun rose they´d gone and the tiger was one clear orange eye that walked into the menagerie. Moreover, in this visual image and in the hole part it is described the beginning of the day in the menagerie.

In conclusion, the literary devices the author uses in this poem as metaphors, visual images and the personification of the tiger make the readers think in the poem and the things that are not told. A very important issue to think about the poem is how the tiger get into the menagerie. From my view the revelation of the title isn't so important since it is too general.