viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Solidos Platonicos

Hecho por Lisandro Etchevers, Manuel Busquets, Tomas Schwerdtfeger, Thiago Sendon y Martin errarte.

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martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Celulas de banana, papa y cebolla

Fuimos al laboratorio y observamos las distintas células, sacamos fotos y colocamos las distintas partes.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

The Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire is located in the Pacific Ocean wich goes from South America to Eastern Asia, Australia and New Zeland. Here we can found a lot of active volcanoes. The violent activity in the area is caused by it is close to tectonic plates.
The number of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire is about 452 volcanoes. The Kilauea is the most active volcano in the area.
One of the volcanoes can cause big problems to people. An example is the Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala in the 20th century in 1902.
The hit of the tectonic plates make the sink.
In the Ring of Fire is a city that has bigs risk factors. The area suffer the 90 percent of earthquakes in all the world.