miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Experimento de la densidad

Hicimos un Experimento con un huevo, un frasco de agua y sal.

Un estudiante normal

A mi al colegio no me gusta ir,
no lo odio,
solo mi vida quiero vivir.

A mi no me disgusta estudiar,
pero cuando tengo que elegir,
prefiero descansar.

Los exámenes no me gustan,
me hacen ponerme nervioso,
y cuando nervioso me pongo,
siento que mis pantalones me ajustan.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

The Sinking of the Titanic

Sinking of the Titanic
The Titanic was constructed on March 31 of 1909, the ship weighed 52.310 tons.
The sinking of the Titanic occurred on the night and during the morning of the 15 April, 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean. On the 14 April the Titanic had 2.224 passengers on board when it struck an iceberg.
On 15 April,1500 people died drowned, others died frozen because of the low temperatures and others fell of the ship. The ship suffered a glancing blow that breckled its starboard side and opened five of its sixteen compartments to the sea. Then the Titanic sank in less than three hours. 710 people survived because they went away with the boats and the rest died.
We could interview a person that was in the catastrophe and survived. We asked these questions:

    What were you doing when the catastrophe happened?
During the catastrophe I was dinning.

·       What did you feel during the catastrophe?
I was frightened and sad during the catastrophe because all the people was shouting and running, and I saw a lot of people suffering and dying.

·       How did you survive?

I went away withon a boat, I managed to get in the boat because when some people were getting in a boat I jumped in it.

Síndrome Uremico Hemolítico

Hicimos una presentación sobre el Síndrome Uremico Hemolitico.


miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Integradora de Ciencias Naturales

Hicimos una presentación en google drive sobre todos los temas que vimos en el año en la materia Ciencias Naturales.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Questionsof others miths

Mith: The creation of the rain

Questions;- who was the sky god?
- What told the wisdom god to Zeus?
- What did the girl cultivate?

The sky god was Zeus.
wisdom god told Zeus water.
The girl cultivate potaoes and carrots.

The creation of the stars

My part is the one in black letter.

The creation of the Stars
It was a perfect night, Zeus was creating something when the thing fell from his hands on land near a house. A boy called Robert found the thing that fall from the sky it was shining and all the city can see it ,Robert thought that if it was too shiny and was as precious as a gemstone he thought that the thing will cost a lot and he thought that taking was the best idea, but isn't too easy because it was too big and heavy but he can bear it.

Meanwhile Robert was looking carefully that strange thing, Zeus was going down searching for it very angry, he fell like a full ocean without fishes, anil he discovered that someone stole the thing. He get so sad that he decided to destroy all the city looking for it, he destroy everything houses, animals, plants, humans, etc. Until someone he saw something.

Zeus found Robert, but Robert ran away. Zeus stopped him and when Zeus tried to killed him the thing fall down from Robert´s hands. The thing broke in a lot of pieces that were like point of light went up to the sky. All these points were called Stars.

By Lisandro Etchevers, Priscila Garcia and Victoria Scarpa

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

El Ebola

La humanidad esta en estado le alerta debido a este nuevo virus que resurgió en 2013 en África occidental, el cual sigue extendiéndose por Guinea, Sierra Leona, Liberia y Nigeria, traspasando fronteras donde ya se confirmó un caso en España, Senegal y Otro en Estados Unidos. Hasta el momento han muerto al rededor de 4.000 personas por este virus que al parecer su origen esta en los murciélagos. Los doctores que atienden a pacientes Ebola positivo tienen conductas de riesgo muy importantes que los ayudan a protegerse del virus y no infectarse por ejemplo, utilizan mascaras totalmente herméticas guantes y largas túnicas que luego son quemadas y no dejan que ninguna parte del cuerpo entre en contacto con los pacientes. Los médicos son expertos unidos en una fundación llamada médicos sin fronteras que atienden a pacientes ebola positivos solo con donaciones de la gente. 

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014