martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Fable: ´´The six squirrels´´

Once upon a time there were six squirrels Antonio, Simón, Ignacio, Jacinta, Carlota, Maria and the father of the squirrels Pedro they go to a cruise, and Antonio who's bother the rest. Because Antonio he goes to the toboggans that he can't, he went to the commander's cabin and he bother the other people of the cruise. When the squirrels were playing and singing the things that they do all the time, the commander call to Pedro to talk about the things bad that Antonio do, Pedro was angry with Antonio so they talk a lot of time about that, so Antonio put crying then Pedro go to talk with the commander and when they were talking antonio entre to the casino of the cruise.

When Antonio go to the casino, he started to win lot of coins. Then the girls come and they started to dance and they competed with other girls. When Pedro go to the room he saw that there was nothing more ignacio seeing a movie and ignacio said pedro that they were in the casino,Pedro go to the casino and he saw that antonio was playing in the ruleta. He pick up antonio and the three girls and they go through the room. The next day they go outside and Pedro said to the squirrels that they have to play with the games of the little ones.  When the six squirrels were playing Pedro slept so one of the squirrels pick up a balloon and  the other five squirrels go with him and they flew to an island. When antonio get up he pick up a airplane and he went to the island.

When the squirrels were walking they saw a women called Roberta and she said to the squirrels if they wanted to went to her house to play and laugh a lot. So they want to Roberta´s house and the house was very nice, very big, was made of wood and was at the top of a big tree. they played a lot and they had fun. Then Roberta said that she was 20 years in this island, and that she lost in this island because she was in a plane going to England when the plane fall here, she survived but the other people died.

Unfortunately a dangerous spider bit Simon and injected him a poison, causing him to be different squirrel, a brave and a very intelligent squirrel. After he get bitten by the spider he crossed a lot of dangerous obstacles like helped.
To pass very carefully and nerveless a very high and dangerous bridge in the middle of the jungle. But when they crossed he fell and his friend started looking for him when they found him he had a crown full of gold, they friends asked where did he found that crown and he answer that he found it in a cave.

When they found simon one of the three boys was sequestered by Roberta to get the treasure because he doesn't enter there and the squirrel can, she didn't took the treasure
because the rope can cut  and the two go to rescue Pedro  and Ignacio go to rescue to Carlota. They don't have so much time so they go run to the boat and they go to their home. When they arrived they make a show singing and dancing a song.
When they finish the show they go on a cruise again and they enjoyed the summer.    

Moral: You not have to trust strangers.                       

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Acrostico: Crimen y Misterio

Cuando me compre Crimen y Misterio pensé que iba a ser muy largo, pero después las historias eran no tan largas.
Realice muchas actividades hicimos con ese libro.
Interesante fue.
Me gusto mucho.
Es muy entretenido y divertido.
No podía esperar a leer el final.
Yo al principio pensé que no me gustaba pero luego me gusto
Mi cuento favorito fue Corazón delator.
Intentaba entender El hombre leopardo pero no podía.
Sangriento fue Corazón delator.
Tenia cuentos muy divertidos
Era muy interesante El crimen de Lord Arthur Saville
Raros eran los cuentos.
Irreales eran los cuentos.
O, me gusto mucho.

¿Que y para que las Tic en Ciencias Naturales?

Poplet: Generar redes conceptuales. Eg: Biodiversidad.

Mindomo: Generar redes conceptuales. 

Mindmeister: Generar redes conceptuales.

Prezi: Generar redes conceptuales.

Presentacion Drive: Presentar información. Eg: Reinos vivientes. Hacer un mural colaborativo mostrando trabajos. Eg: 4 fotos una palabra.

Pinterest: Para compartir y guardar imágenes.        

Blogger: Para publicar trabajos. Eg: Podcasts sobre la salud.

Edmodo: Para comunicarse y enviar trabajos. Eg: Palabras relacionadas con el ambiente de la película Wall-e.

Evernote: Para escribir información. Eg: La carta del Jefe Seatle. 

Diigo: Para guardar direcciones de paginas.

Scribble Maps: Para marcar lugares o países e incluir información. 

Piktochart: Para hacer infografías.

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

Descripción de un personaje

El Frio Kid quiere casarse con Rosita, entonces participa en una carrera de caballos contra Madison Lane y otros pretendientes, pero El Frio Kid pierde. En la boda saco un arma e intento matar a Rosita y se quiere vengar de Madison Lane.
El Frio Kid era un bandido y un asesino.
Para mi el comportamiento del Frio Kid es muy malo, en su lugar yo hubiera aceptado que perdí y los dejaría vivir en paz y no mataría a nadie.